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Eric thats seems to have worked,got my email address changed and got the comfirmation email and clicked the link which asked me to sign in again but each time it fails.
Think I`ll give up and try again in the morning.
Thanks again James

Tried again this am and have not been asked to log in so fingers crossed all is OK & ready for the big change.
Last edited by Alibatwomble
The system is a mess, and glad/hopeful its going to change with the new forum. I believe you need to go to the e-mail the change program sent you and confirm the change. Whoops.... that old e-mail is no more so now your stuck. I made the mistake once of having a typo in the one I changed it to and got locked out completely. Had to pester Rich to please change it to the correct one so I could confirm it and move on.

1. Log in to the forum
2. Click on "Go" button at top left of screen
3. Select "Personal Zone"
4. Select "Profile"
5. Select "View/Edit Complete Profile"
6. Click on the "Change Account Email" box
7. Make and confirm your change
8. Scroll to the bottom of the window
9. Select "Save Changes"

Same procedure applies to changing your password (which I did a couple of days ago because I had forgotten the old one).
Link copied to your clipboard.