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Good afternoon all!

I hope I am putting this in the right section.

I purchased my son the Lionel Toy Story Lionchief set for his birthday.  The General seems to have traction issues quite often but seemed to be intermittent.  I think I have isolated the problem but was wondering if anyone could help with a way to fix.  It looks like the "chase" car with the cowgirl(Jesse) chasing the horse(Bullseye) around the gondola is getting dragged sometimes, this looks like a similar car to the older cop chasing the robber.  It seems there is some side to side movement on the axles and the one wheel will actually rub the gear under the truck causing those two wheels on that axle to drag. 

I tried to include a picture.20220825_09595820220825_095824

Any suggestions on how to correct this?  I thought about trying to bend the outside of the truck on the opposite side in but it looks like there should be some side to side motion, based on looking at other cars.  I also think I would have to bend both sides in order to correct this.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Images (2)
  • 20220825_095958
  • 20220825_095824
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Hard to tell from pics but, rather than bending the side frames, I would first try shimming the other side of the axle with a small washer to "push" the offending wheel away from the gear. If that does not work, I would try removing the axle and flipping it over and see if that results in the wheel being further away from the gear.  If neither of those work, it looks like you should be able to remove the axle and push/press the offending wheel further out on the axle spline towards the side frame in order to give you more clearance from the gear.

Assuming the side frames can be removed with screws, you can also shim the side frame away from its mount a little bit by using a small, thin piece of cardboard or styrene plastic as a spacer. That should allow the offending wheel enough space to stay away from the gear. 

Last edited by Richie C.

FYI, I'm not sure of the car number, but the original Lionel cop/robber chase used an electric motor connected to a hidden loop (under the boxes), that were connected to the participants.  The motor is very noisy.  I'm guessing the loop under the boxes is the same though.  This looks to be a better solution (noise is always a problem with train sets) if the gears work.

Thank you for the responses.

Sorry for the poor pictures it is hard to see as all the parts are black, it doesn't help that the person taking the picture isn't any good with cameras.

This must be a different design then the cop/robber car, I wasn't aware they had a motor.  I never owned one just saw them.  This appears to be driven by that large gear under the truck and that spiral screw on the axle turns that gear. 

Thank you Richie C I like that idea better then bending and potentially breaking his car.  I have been playing with some thin cardboard this may work.  I will likely see if I can get something a little stronger than cardboard to use as a spacer.

Thank you for the responses.

Sorry for the poor pictures it is hard to see as all the parts are black, it doesn't help that the person taking the picture isn't any good with cameras.

This must be a different design then the cop/robber car, I wasn't aware they had a motor.  I never owned one just saw them.  This appears to be driven by that large gear under the truck and that spiral screw on the axle turns that gear.

Thank you Richie C I like that idea better then bending and potentially breaking his car.  I have been playing with some thin cardboard this may work.  I will likely see if I can get something a little stronger than cardboard to use as a spacer.

Plastic might work - styrene sheets in various thicknesses are available at most hobby shops and easily scored and cut with a hobby knife. You can also try the plastic used for clamshell packaged products, like batteries, etc.

If the side frame is attached with screws, you could also space it out with small metal washers on the screws.

If those are cast metal trucks,  trying to bend them may break them.   If the spacer washer on the opposite wheel doesn't give enough clearence, you  may want to contact lionel and see if they will replace the car under warranty. 

The newer gear connection usually does not drag on the wheel.  Even when nothing interferes, the wheel still drags sometimes. I have seen this on modern chase, aquarium and radar cars with this gear setup.  That is when you need  to add weights to the car or use something like 'Bullfrog Snot' to keep the wheel from slipping.

3444 was the original chase car, and noisy.   The aquarium car used the same horizontal flapper, buzz motor.  The flapper of the motor was connected to a cord wrapped around a cylinder and the cord anchord with a spring.  The high frequency loosening/pulling action on the string causes the cylinder to spin.   There were a few modern Aquarium cars made with a motor. 

The radar car was another wheel driven action, but it used rubber bands around the axel and a pully.  And you have to get the correct rubber bands to make it work.  Also replace them every so often...

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