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Vincent. Thanks for starting this your getting me back in the mood to start a custom O scale Christmas train. I have a HO Custom Christmas Train that I made many years ago and made my own decals and Custom painted the cars we put it under the tree every year my girls loved it when they were young and my nephews enjoy it now  I still have a little more work to do on it and add some cars I would like for everyone to see it but it’s HO scale you say anything goes but I thought I would ask first 

BE8BCE47-088B-4CE5-8A8D-58F1A636B93DDAE3D52D-FD46-4AA2-BC03-47D7632C012AB4FB8BD5-8EB6-459F-B6AF-CA86B5FECEB41B2A01D8-0BF3-49E3-9855-265CB43FA71DEB2654B0-60CE-4334-8F25-24882D5E26C72FC7496D-F94B-4DA4-B307-E53D3CD29FDB50E9FF49-FE89-4AD2-9343-78792247B7E2Ok Vincent here’s you go I just took theses and ran my old Christmas Train awhile go this is my HO cars and F7. All cars are Athearn except the gondola which is a old Mantua. All decals were made by me. I used a font on our computer for the Santa’s Express and then I added the snow caps I hope I still have this down loaded I will be adding more cars and I will fix these up also I would like to get this done the wife want a snow sence this year with buildings and such. Enjoy the pics 


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Mark Boyce posted:

Christmas 2016

2017-01-01 16.42.15


is that gold car about the same size as a Menards car or is it the same size as a Old Lionel 6464 I just bought 2 of these the Lionel 1998 and 1997 I think and I have my eye on the gold one like yours. I want to pull them with my Lionel FA post war 202 I’m worried they will look to small behind it thanks for your help sorry to bother you 

Vincent Massi posted:



If anybody can figure out the last photo, please explain it to me.

It's basically what it looks like.

You use this car on a loop/oval where the train will regularly pass by the "bridge".  When the boxcar goes under, the figures change positions.  The one on the car transfers to the bridge and the one on the bridge ends up on the car to go for a ride.  Repeat.  

It's based on a post-war classic called the cop and hobo car.


Last edited by Dave45681

My Christmas train usually consists of a Lionel 627, 44 ton red diesel, Lionel 36743 Operating Santa Claus Bobbing Head Box car, two flat cars with Santa’s reindeer including Rudolph and one flat car with two reindeer and Santa’s sled and the fat man himself, a “CANDY” labeled gondola with Christmas Candy Canes, and a Lionel 26527 Christmas Work Caboose with Christmas gifts.

Trains, Rogers 12-27-2014 003




I added added as Santa, sled and 8 reindeers plus Rudolph the red nosed reindeer to my Christmas train.  I made the reindeer cars from three junker Scout sized flat cars and figures and reindeer from a Hallmark Cards Santa, Sled and Reindeer set.  I painted the flat cars white as reindeer like snow and will show up better with a light color. 

One car carried the Santa sled and two reindeer, a second car carried four reindeer and third car carried two reindeer and Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.  The reindeer were simply glued to the flat cars with 5 min epoxy glue.



The original Hallmark Cards Santa sled was too big so a smaller one was made from balsa wood and sized for Hallmark Cards Santa.



A blinking red light was installed in Rudolf’s nose and a power pick up was added to the car. 



The Christmas Train is usually stationed on the hidden track behind the background and comes out by surprise for the kids after watching the trains run for a few minutes.  They all love the Christmas Train, Santa and the reindeer and of course the Christmas candy canes in the gondola!




Photos (5)

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