Yeah we are again, and as always happens this time of year...the bug bites, and the big 2343 set is the first to come out of hiding....from her cardboard lair. Plenty of other PW classics will emerge before warm weather drives them back into hibernation, but the AT&SF F3s are always the first out, to test the waters, so to speak! This will, no doubt, cause the B Unit to want out as well, and so it will be! After a few days pulling assorted freight cars, it will be time for passengers!....and the infamous 2500s will be joining the fun too. If my house sale drags on too long....well we just might have to add a second loop of Fast golly! So fire up the LW, ZW, whatever, and get busy restoring the ozone layer. Indeed, the only question now is, what will be next? CP, Rio Grande, New Haven, Illinois Central, B&O ??? All that twin motored goodness just can't be contained! So, did Ol' Josh know what he was doing back in '48? Guess that question sorta answers itself, right about now...this time of year!
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Found my 2343C B-Unit....and gonna have to get out the Big NYCS F3s next ! Big fun with big chooch!
This reminds me to add at least one F-3 to my roster...
This is one of my 'most favorite' F3 photos! Thanks Marty.
I love this thread. It is a terrible temptation for me. I want an F3 train but don't think I can fit one more train or car on my layout. Then of course I would have to choose a road other than PRR for variety. Lots of eye candy on these posts. Thanks for posting.
Quite a nice 'stable' there Chris!
This is one of my 'most favorite' F3 photos! Thanks Marty.
I fully concur. F3 has been and always will be my favorite.
Lionel's PW F3s were always some of my favorite engines. Here are a few running on our old layout last year.
Hi Sam - are any of those Postwar Lionel F3's?
The 2363 ABA and one of the 2368s are custom paints
The 2368s jumped out at me. Obviously Lionel never made a yellow scheme Santa Fe, UP or Pennsylvania F3 set (Never could figure out a reason for bypassing the PRR). When I has a wish list of Postwar Lionel, the B&O set was next on my list. I was never in the same room with a set, let alone having an opportunity to buy them, yet I see a lot of photos, which turn our to be Williams or something else. There have been so many remakes the line of "original" gets blurry.
Did Lionel ever reissue the 2368 set? I am pretty certain they did not in the rash of "Conventional Classics" and "Postwar Inspired."
I had the New York Centrals as far back as I can remember, and the Santa Fes are easily found. The New Haven's I got lucky on and beyond that I rarely found most of the others.
The 2368's were done as part of the Celebration Series in 2007.
MPC also did a set in 73 as he first reissue F3 -
Now we're talkin' F3 ! Some great looking examples out there of Lionel's finest. About the only thing Lionel left off the original F3 was a light in the B-Unit. Those PW 2333 and 2343/44s were the equivalent of the old 700E as a statement of the builder's art.
Great trains, all.
Really love that B&O!
leading 2190W
I am blown away every time I see your postwar layout. You are a real postwar artist. I hope Allan Miller decides to do a story on your layout.
Cold weather? Hah! I'm sitting here on the warm southeastern side of that front slamming through certain Southern areas, with the A/C running. Admittedly, the temperature isn't really warm, but very mild, and I'm using it just a bit, more to dry the air rather than cool it.
To the beach! Ok, that's pushing it.
Hello guys and gals..............
I really missed my old 2383 I had back in 1968. I wish someone might have a single F-3"A" unit with double motors and non-damaged from (battery leaks) and metal gearing (postwar) in excellent condition for sale as I been looking for one on E-bay but people want too much for it. I much rather buy the F-3 from the forum members here. Anyone have one for sale, I can pay 100 dollars and extra for shipping even little more with new unpainted shell would be nice.
the woman who loves the S.F.5011,2678
I am blown away every time I see your postwar layout. You are a real postwar artist. I hope Allan Miller decides to do a story on your layout.
Thank you
Here's two of mine. 2343 and 2344
I am blown away every time I see your postwar layout. You are a real postwar artist. I hope Allan Miller decides to do a story on your layout.
Ditto on that! What do you say Allan?
great looking F3's everyone!
Some great photos and posts. Makes me feel a little bad as my 2353 ABA and 2500 Series cars with my 2356 ABA are on a shelf under glass where I can look at them while watching TV or on this Forum.
These belong to my Dad, and has had them since his childhood. I restored and repainted them a few years ago. 2245, 2353, 2344 The 2245 has been converted to dual motors to increase the pulling power.
My dream set as a kid in 1953.....but ended up waiting about 5 decades to fulfill the dream. It was worth the wait!
Jim, I know the feeling, having waited 50 years for a certain set myself. I love the arrangement of your photo.
Steve, that's a beautiful set!
I bet a lot of us wanted that F3 SF set. It took me 50 years as well to get them. I still don't have the aluminum passenger cars.
My F3 has something wrong inside. I'll have to check the electronics out. I installed TMCC a few years ago. The electrocouplers keep opening too, I'll have to fix that.
Converting a Texas Special 2345 to twin motors is a terrific idea, and one I've considered off and on over the years. Only one problem; I ain't got a 2345 to
convert! At least yet !
Great pictures everyone. Thanks for sharing.