Peter and his find of a 50's Lionel Rule Book got me looking at all the Lionel paper I have collected over the years. Here is a huge mint 1948 cut out town Lionel printed. Don't know if they sold it or gave it away. Anyone else collect Lionel or American flyer paper other than Catalogs? Don
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scale rail posted:
Absolutely. There is a Toy Train and Memorabilia Group that meets at York. It goes beyond catalogs to stock certificates, blueprints, and internal correspondence. Roger Carp's book The world's Greatest Toy Train Maker is based on correspondence collectors have, including the letters I received from Lionel in the 1960's. Many of these old timers from Lionel are alive and well and living New Jersey. to add to this?
Lou N
Many years ago at the Parma (Cleveland) TCA meet Glenn Uhl (Glenn's Train Shop, Akron, Ohio) showed up with a stack of those he had found in his shop. That's where I got mine. Amazing marketing for its time.
Lou N
Yup, there are a bunch of us that collect such things. As Louis mentioned, I help host the Toy Train Paper & Memorabilia Group that meets each York. If it's NOT a toy train but otherwise about one, that's us!
Lionel had many "send-away" offers for consumers over the years. Typically, kids would send a quarter to Lionel and, in return, receive the annual catalog, a sheet of 310 billboards, and several other paper items. Your 3D and Building Kit posters are both from the 1948 mail-in offer.
I hope this helps.