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You likely don't have a "command" problem, but maybe a "power available "problem. What exactly are you trying to run at the same time engine wise? Are you running lighted passenger cars at the same time? What transformer/power source are you using while you have this issue? Power shutting down indicates you're over-taxing the power source presently.

Your "15-16 volts" is OK, but amperage is what gets trains moving, you may be under-powered for what you're trying to run simultaneously. If you've run these same trains before, it may be time to lubricate your engines and try them again.

thanks, good tips. I am running several lite passenger cars with 2 F's 2's . I tried running fewer cars but the passenger cars were still sitting there idle with lights on. Also running a steam engine with several cars. I have a ZW with 2 blocks that have always been suffiecient. I am only seeing 15 volts, when usually it's showing 17 even 18 so maybe that's an issue. I will check into lubrication.



What's inside those F2 engines" Do they all have dual motors + sound systems + smoke units? Was "everything" powered up in those three engines? Maybe they draw more amperage than your old ZW can put out; possibly the ZW isn't putting out what it should either. Time for further sleuthing on your part; try running with just a single engine first, then add more power one at a time and see what happens......

Your "train" lashup may have lost its program.  You may have engines fighting each other.  Reset your lashup.  Also sitting a while may have caused you to throw a traction tire and it is stuck in the gearing. Your thought to try them one at a time is a good starting point.  Good luck.


Well, It would help if I knew what I was doing. Turns out that only my one A unit is powered, the B and 2nd A units are dummies, like me. There is no need for a lash up since I only have the one powered A unit that pulls everything. I ran the ABA and it ran fine. When I added cars and ran a 2nd unit it operated for awhile and shut down again. When I removed the A unit and ran an ACL GP9 with cars and a 2nd train everything ran fine. My problem is definetly with the FA-2 powered unit, just don't know the fix yet.


Thanks for the input tghus far.

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