Two of us worked on the club layout TMCC yesterday and accomplished nothing. We are baffled. The layout is a modular layout, 24' x 12' consisting of three loops of track that are not connected with turnouts. I attached a sketch of our TMCC set up. I took three Atlas diesel locomotive that both run just fine on my home layout. One runs fine on the club track; the other doesn't. The lights come on but the engine does not respond. The other person did the same. A K Line Hudson had some experience, lights come on and no response. We checked all the connections, made sure the wall wart was plugged in the house receptacle, we tried different Cab-1s including one I brought from home from my layout. Same thing no matter what we did. That's what started out investigation-some locos run just fine; other don't and we can't figure out why.
Any thoughts?