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Am not familiar with that engine but take a look at the coupler. Some of these engines have a coupler shank that has a slight kink in it as it leaves the pivid pin. If this is the case with yours a regular electro-coupler will not sit streight. I had this problem with several switchers and RS3's. My solution was to use the short electro-coupler and modify the shank of the original coupler to provide a mounting for the short electro-coupler after the kink. The result was a little long by 1/4" but was streight.



It is not difficult and is a fun project.  You'll need an AC Commander board and an F3/7  sound & power boards & a pair of electrocouplers.  Parts will be about $200.  Do it yourself, and the labor is free.  You basically strip it down to the motors and go from there.

When it's done you'll feel kind of like DR Frankenstein.  You brought an engine to life..

Well, I do anyway.

Go for it.  Boxcar Bill can help you out with parts. 

Last edited by William 1
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