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Has anyone successfully replaced the grossly oversize and unrealistic-looking operating couplers on Lionel American Flyer Pacific-type steam locomotives and tenders (such as #6-48052 or #6-48072) with body-mounted Kadee couplers?  If so, how did you modify the  loco and tender to support the Kadee coupler box?      

Original Post

Hi Bob,


I body mounted a Kadee #5 on the Mikado tender.  I used a .125” thick piece of styrene cut to the shape of the back of the tender to get the correct height and tapped a hole through the part of the tender that extents out from the body to secure the coupler.  Probably took all of 10 minutes to do.


I could promise some pictures, but I still ‘owe’ pix to the 802 vs #5 discussion.  I’ll get to it some time…


Tom Stoltz

in Maine

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