Command control blinders off.... He ..wants ..a ..conventional ..line.
He wants both that and command at once, not either or. But at the same exact moment in time; both. Command on conventional and command at the exact same moment.
How do you keep the command unit going when you drop the voltage to make a stop on that convetionally run unit? Of course you need to seperate things.
"Want's" is reason enough. "Doesn't care about features". ....Ok lets go...and we did...
There are going to be blocks/disticts/loops of different power, just like any blocked conv layout.
Communication breakdown...
I'm not seeing how your statement relates other than to run one way or the other ....and.I can't really tell if you are asking about lost functions in conventional once I reread, Sorry if so. I thought for sure youd know that you will loose some functions sometimes. There isn't always a whistle/bell/combo type command for everything while in conventional,..fathom not using command to run a command engine or missed something.
John even misread the concern as that might effect the system line, vs the concern about the conventional line holding a command unit and shifting into command when it isn't wanted.
I read he wants a conventional District, as in a totally- 100% isolated, variable transformer .handle voltage, non remote control operated, "loop/line/block".
He does not want to shift into command mode by accidental jumps of data from basically another layout though only in away, intertwined, but isolated.
I think the fear was loosing control while in conventional, because of a tmcc/dcs signal.
I think, that he is thinking, there may be a fear similar to that of a command unit shifting into manual mode and racing off.
Unless he crosses a conventional onto the 18v command line he would be fine. I still addressed my own experience with data bleed and my solution. Might work if needed.
If it shifts to command, drop power, and raise it slower.
He might choose sheilded wire too. It might be overkill, but there.
Yes, I repeated myself in slightly different ways in hopes of clarification... if nothing else so someone might clue me as to what I am missing. That later statement was not obvious enough for me. Not wrong; I just don't see the tie.