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I wanted my Bellevue and Schenectady RR to have its very own crack LTD passenger train, it was to reflect the area served, had to have an ALCO steamer to reflect Schenectady the home of ALCO and the nickname of Schenectady which is the Electric City because of being the home of GE. My RR is a fictitous division of the NYCRR sooo the Electric City Express was born, its actuallly, an ALCO E-4(MTH)engine number is my birthday and each of the coaches and diner(Wildwood Harbor, Bellevue, Schenectady, Center City)-all MTH, reflect a city on my RR and the observation car is named after my wife(Deborah A. Klose). The paint scheme for the entire train utilizes the NYC Jade Green and my own logos.




ece_07 [1)



Images (2)
  • e4_1
  • ece_07 (1)
Last edited by dk122trains

Passenger Train Collector,

   Just started into a customized one of a kind Militray Special Forces Train, have the lead engine and a couple Pullman troup transport Cars, will have the Professional Train Surgeon, John Hazur here in Pittsburgh, Pa make another engine and some additional Viet Nam era rolling stock as I go along.



Here is John Hazur's Special Forces Engine, I am definitely happy with it.



Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
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