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Need some suggestions for regaining an engine into the remote's index. while I was operating I had an engine's name disappear and only the channel number remain. I was getting the out of RF range message so thought maybe the battery needed a charge since it's only recently been back out after long storage. After charging and putting back on the track the remote didn't even list the channel assignment. Tried re-adding but only get an engine error message. Not sure where to go from here, all the other engines on track operate normally.



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What version of DCS is in the remote and in the TIU?

Test the engine without any DCS signal on the rails. You may need a new battery. A bad battery won't take a charge and hold it. So you still maybe spinning your wheels here.

After that, it may get complicated if it doesn't restore. You may need to do a engine out of address range reset. You may need to have a service guy look at it. It really depends on what happened to it. Running engines with dead batteries can take all kinds of paths. If it had multiple problems, it will need sorting out. Your remote may have dropped the address if it was full of garbage for some reason?

Some users reload the soundset to get the address back to 1 and make the engine operable. If it's not right, you shouldn't touch the soundset.

It's hard to guess over the internet what happened. So it's hard to say what to do. Test the engine. Test the board. Test your system.

What's the track signal like on your layout? Are you adding this engine on a separate test track with nothing else connected?

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

Thanks for the replies guys, I'll check the version of DCS and see what the battery reads. I did read through the Recover Engine procedure and wandered if I would need to try that. I thought it strange that the remote would drop the engine though. I was also thinking of taking the other engines off the track and trying to Add it again.


@B&O Fan posted:

Thanks for the replies guys, I'll check the version of DCS and see what the battery reads. I did read through the Recover Engine procedure and wandered if I would need to try that. I thought it strange that the remote would drop the engine though. I was also thinking of taking the other engines off the track and trying to Add it again.


With a good battery!

It's not only what it reads after charging, it's how it holds when loaded. Just put it on the rails and start it up. Kill the power and the engine should play the full shutdown sounds. If it doesn't, the battery is probably failing.

Older DCS versions had bugs. One older one had an issue with recognizing engines. I always recommend the latest DCS software which now is 6.1

Many people stuck with 4.3 I believe but I know 4.0 had issues. Some were not cured with 4.1.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

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