We moving our Ross/Atlas O switches to the DCS system. Atlas O manual shows how to connect to the AIU. We're using a Z4000 at 18v. The Ross Custom Switches 3 of them have locked up. 2 we forced manually and the 3rd I forced and broke the switch manual lever. What's up ? Ross or Z Stuff know very little about DCS. Z1000 & Z2500 machines I can't tell.
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If you run DCS and are using it’s capability’s. The best investment you can make is Barry Broskowitz’s DCS companion. Pretty much whatever scenario your using is covered in detail. Worth every penny.
My guess is the switch motors are receiving constant power rather than momentary required and are burning out. I run Tortoise switch motors which have to retain constant power to work correctly.
Sounds like you have DZ1000's as the DZ2500 does not have a manual throw lever First pic is a dz1000 second is a DZ2500
If the switches are locked up they are activated I have a feeling you connected them to the wrong port on the AIU The switch ports are moementary and the accessory ports can be set to continual on
Bluelinec4, My Machines are DZ1000. Dave, I have Barry's 3rd Edition Book. My home layout as the book shows. The Museum layout I followed the Atlas O Manual to connect to DCS AIU. 3/4's our switches are Atlas O and 3 Ross plus a Ross Double crossover. The only difference is the Hot & Common are reversed. I didn't think it would make a difference. I talk to DZ Stuff they say only run 14v/16v's. DCS runs on 18v.
Not sure how your providing power to your switch machines. It’s a good idea to use a separate power supply. You don’t want to be powering them off of your TIU Outputs.
Use the 14 volt fixed output on your z4000 for your switches
Dave the Transformer to the TIU inputs and outputs to the 24 port block. It runs the various tracks loops, sidings & switches. It's been that way since the beginning. The only change is switch connection to the AIU. To run separate power I would need another TIU & Block.
Blueline the blocks from the fixed output from the TIU.
The tiu has nothing to do with switches. The aiu controls the switches. You should use the 14 volt fixed directly from the transformer. Red to the red on the motor and black to the common on the aiu