I have all the literature...DCS Companion...have read "some of it."
My question is simple...how do you move engines in the "Inactive" list to the "Active" list?
Thanks for your patient and kind replies.
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I have all the literature...DCS Companion...have read "some of it."
My question is simple...how do you move engines in the "Inactive" list to the "Active" list?
Thanks for your patient and kind replies.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Upper left corner - the refresh button should read the track if memory serves me correctly. It is roughly the same as the "read" button on the handheld remote.
From the main screen
Thanks, again. That's how I read it...something is missing here.
I'll continue the learning process.
Make sure you are connected to the DCS WiFi.
Are you able to operate the active engine(s) via the app? That would indicate you are connected and working to the wifi unit
Active engines work fine...just can't move inactive ones up...of course, I must make sure they are powered up with DCS.
Power up your layout and connect your device. Power up the tracks with the inactive engines. The engine must have the watchdog signal to be made active.
Open your engine list.
From that screen tap EDIT, in the upper left corner.
You should see red dots to the left of each engine.
To the right of each engine is a faint colored box. Press that box and hold it. The bars at the top and bottom of the engine will turn dark. Now move your finger up to the ACTIVE list, dragging that engine. Let go and drop the engine in the ACTIVE list.
Thanks, Dan. I will say my App screen does not look like yours. EDIT is in the upper right hand corner. Tapping Edit only produces a small X which seems to give me the opportunity to delete each engine. There is nothing to the right of each engine.
The only way I can get engines to go active is to "swipe" downward on the engine screen which activates the "read" funtion. Once the "read" is completed...engines will be moved to the "active" list. I believe this procedure is described in the DCS WiFi companion. I have not seen the procedure you described anywhere but here...as you have done.
I supposedly have the Premium App. What am I missing/doing wrong? Sorry for my confusion.
Well...maybe it is the difference in the IOS and Android Apps. Put the App on my wife's iPad and...what-do-you-know, it looks exactly as Dan has described above. Edit is on the left...three little stacked up hash marks appear on the right.
Guess I'll just keep "learning" about these things.
Glad that helped. I have no Android devices, so I don’t know the layout or function of the screens. I would have expected them to be similar. Maybe someone using the Android version will chime in.
Thanks, again, Dan. I do wish an Android user would chime in with their experience...or tell me how their screen looks.
Enjoy the trains!
On my Droid devices the engine list screen looks like this when you press the edit button in the top right. There are no options in the top left.
Thanks H1000...confirms my experience. How do you move inactive engines to active?
The same way you do, swipe down to force a read on the engine list screen or press the refresh button on the main engine control screen.
AKAIK, there is no way to manually move an inactive engine to the active list without performing a read on the Android app.
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