Yep, Stans sketch is what I am following.
Those two wires, out to the track, are where I would plan to attach the DCS-RC.
These wires would also extend to the distribution system ( Hot and Ground terminal strips).
There would be three separate DCS-RC receiver boxes, with one for each of the three separately powered tracks.
These would also be, strategically, placed around the inside edges of my "L SHAPED" layout, such that only one would read the remote at any one time.
Each side of the ZW will feed one of the two loops:
Each loop is approx 40 feet long.
Each loop is divided into 3 approx equal length blocks.
Each loop will have Hot and Ground Terminal strips with:
4 sections: 1-In / 3 Out
Each "Hot Side" will be separately switched (On-Off).
All 3 blocks would be running at the same time, except during switching exercises.
,when a train might be parked on the far side of the loop.
The Z-1000 will feed the sidings, which total about 80ft of track:
Divided up into 8 separately fed blocks.
Hot and Ground Terminal strips with:
9 sections: 1-In / 8-Out
Each "Hot Side" separately switched (On-Off).
Only 2, or maybe 3 of these would ever be live at the same time.
So do you think there is trouble here