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I wanted to add some instrumentation for the transformers on my control panel and was ideally looking for an AC dual display digital meter. The DC versions are pretty easy to find, but it doesn't seem like there's any low voltage digital options on the AC side. I did some searching on the forums here and the threads I found were too old to be useful wrt recommendations.

Does anyone have a one that works for them? Heck, I'd even entertain a matched set of separate meters, but I can't seem to find anything that handles 30 VAC and 10A. I'm fine going analog if needed, but figured I'd check and see if anyone had a recommendation.

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I used some combination digital meters I got off Amazon just for current and they work great.  The voltage just says 120 but I'm using them on bricks so the voltage is fixed anyway. They only read down to 40 volts ac and had to have at least that to operate so I just ran 120 to them for power.  That was the best I could find for a reasonable price.  I considered using a cheap multimeter for voltage with just the display showing through the panel but decided that wasn't worth the hassle. The meters use a small current transductor to detect current..

Remember that any cheap digital meter you find is going to only be accurate with pure sine wave power.  The reading errors easily exceed 20-25% for chopped waveform transformers for both voltage and amperage readings.

Many threads written about this over the years, here's just a couple of them.

Another Thread About Using a Digital DC Voltmeter For Monitoring AC Track Voltage

LED AC Voltmeters & Ammeters

For AC, there's no inexpensive solution.  If you're using anything other than a classic postwar Lionel or AF transformer to power track and set train speed, you need a true-RMS indicating instrument, which necessitates appropriate electronics driving an analog or digital display.  An integrated device will cost three figures easily.  Panel meter production has plummeted over the past 50 years, so even a basic AC meter for use with, say, a ZW and Pullmor-motored engines, takes some searching to find.

Remember that any cheap digital meter you find is going to only be accurate with pure sine wave power.  The reading errors easily exceed 20-25% for chopped waveform transformers for both voltage and amperage readings.

Many threads written about this over the years, here's just a couple of them.

Another Thread About Using a Digital DC Voltmeter For Monitoring AC Track Voltage

LED AC Voltmeters & Ammeters

Reading now. Thank you. 🙏🏼

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