Let me start by saying that I am not affiliated with any hobby shop, and it has been a little while since I have been a "regular" on here, so please forgive me if this has already been discussed. I am noticing that some posters are just putting up blatant for sale ads in the discussion forum.
Now, I understand, and am fine with, regular Joes and Janes who post on here starting a thread about what the vendors are releasing, or what catalog is due out. I would even be fine with a major manufacturer coming on here and posting some info or videos to debut a new product or control system. What I have a problem with is people who make a living selling train products acting like the board is a flea market. We DO have a "For Sale" forum here, don't we?
I can't say if this thread will be locked or deleted, but I am interested in hearing how others feel about this. I understand that some or all of these posters may be forum sponsors, but that should not give them the ability to post thread after thread with sales. Again, I have no issue with NEW products being introduced. I am talking about thread topics like, for example, "FASTRACK 10% OFF TODAY!" posted by the same people selling the product commercially. I know when I joined this board it would not have been allowed. It's also unfair to the long term sponsors who pay for ad space but don't come on here and post their daily sales.
What say you?