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Let me start by saying that I am not affiliated with any hobby shop, and it has been a little while since I have been a "regular" on here, so please forgive me if this has already been discussed.  I am noticing that some posters are just putting up blatant for sale ads in the discussion forum.  

Now, I understand, and am fine with, regular Joes and Janes who post on here starting a thread about what the vendors are releasing, or what catalog is due out.  I would even be fine with a major manufacturer coming on here and posting some info or videos to debut a new product or control system.  What I have a problem with is people who make a living selling train products acting like the board is a flea market.  We DO have a "For Sale" forum here, don't we?  

I can't say if this thread will be locked or deleted, but I am interested in hearing how others feel about this.  I understand that some or all of these posters may be forum sponsors, but that should not give them the ability to post thread after thread with sales.  Again, I have no issue with NEW products being introduced.  I am talking about thread topics like, for example, "FASTRACK 10% OFF TODAY!" posted by the same people selling the product commercially.  I know when I joined this board it would not have been allowed.  It's also unfair to the long term sponsors who pay for ad space but don't come on here and post their daily sales.  

What say you?

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I am trying to be objective here.  I love TV, but I hate commercials, so I guess it could be perceived as annoying to receive direct ads on this forum.  My perspective is different.  When someone like Pat or AJ come on here and write a little note about a sale and leave a link, I feel like that's more personable to me.  When these guys leave an ad message for the board, it feels to me a bit more like a special invite.  The promos may not be any different for us than the public, but the public didn't get a personal invite from anyone, either.  So in that way, I accept it as a nice touch.

Montclaire posted:
johnstrains posted:

As you admit you haven't been around for a while.

This topic is OLD news.


John, if you can link to the original discussion, I would appreciate it.


Here’s one thread which includes a response from one of the OGR principals. 

There are several others where this issue was addressed ad nauseum by Rich & Co. Frankly, I’ll just suggest you search for those yourself if you’re interested.

Well, Third Rail at least keeps us informed about what is planned and what is coming.

Menard's does not have a cat, and the tease ads are interesting.

I think both are reading the feedback to see which products we want imported.....!

If you do not like a thread theme, DON"T READ IT.  If there is a thread Rich does not like, he will shut it down faster than threads about a particular steam program!

Plus, there was never the promise the cable companies gave that there would be NO ADS on cable produced programming!


Last edited by Dominic Mazoch
Dominic Mazoch posted:

Well, Third Rail at least keeps us informed about what is planned and what is coming.

Menard's does not have a cat, nad the tease is interesting.

I think both are reading the feedback to see which products we want imported.....!

If you do not like a thread theme, DON"T READ IT.  If there is a thread Rich does not like, he will shut it down faster than threads about a particular steam program!


Again, I have no problem with discussion about upcoming releases.  I am talking about direct sales through the forum from commercial vendors.  Personally, I also appreciate hearing about new products or sales.  Just not direct sale threads from the actual vendors.

Last edited by Montclaire

I'm an "advertising hater!" That said, I leave it to the administrator as to whether sponsors place ads in the various fora. As much as I detest how advertising has wormed its way into our media, to the point of utterly destroying commercial TV, IMNSHO, I do not find the ads I've seen here to fall into the same catagory as that at all.

I do swear though, that I expect to see an ad banner on the Presidential podium any day! Seems advertising is everywhere else . . . and I HATE IT!!!

As for the banner ads here. I was completely unaware of them. I just disabled Adblock and holy crow! Adblock goes back on . . .


Last edited by Terry Danks

If they are paying the bills, the special privilege doesn't bother me in the least. The ads I notice are indeed from forum sponsors. If the ads don't interest me, I don't look at them! It's not like I am forced to read those topics!

If you think about it, this forum is quite unusual in that there is virtually no advertising, other than the list of sponsors at the top. Most comparable forums have 1/3 of every page covered in flashing, animated ads for anybody who pays for the space, pertinent or not! Like this!     Now, that site DOES offer advertising-free access, if you pay $39.95 a year for the privilege. The free access users get the ads.

Further down the same path, what percentage of forum users are OGR subscribers? Should forum access be for subscribers only? Do non-subscribers help pay the very real costs of running something like this? Why should we let them use it? 

It's called generosity. Don't abuse it!

Montclaire posted:

I see 28 slots for banner ads at the top of this page.  Only one commercial vendor that I see listed is responsible for all of the threads, from what I have noticed.  Again, I am not trying to single anyone out, but we do have rules here....

Montclaire, every sponsor of this forum has the right to post ads here. Not all of them do it and that's their loss. WickedWanda44 is a rep for National Railroad Worx, one of our OGR Forum Sponsors. They often post special deals here on the forum, to the benefit of our members.

We welcome their participation in these forums and wish that more of our advertisers would take advantage of this excellent advertising opportunity.

Last edited by Rich Melvin
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