My attic is filling up with train car boxes that are a real part of their value. But what about those other boxes?
Are MTH/Lionel/K-line/Atlas building boxes worth keeping? It seems there is a trade-off between the value of the item and the space to store their boxes. Some of these building boxes take up a ton of room! In the interest of minimizing storage space, does it make more sense to fold the boxes flat and throw out the Styrofoam?
Are Menards items more collectible in their original boxes? Because their boxes are not fancy, in most cases just shipping boxes, why keep them? Their buildings just come in formed plastic shells that not only take up space but don’t even store well because they are awkward. So why keep them?
When I moved from my old home and tore down my layout, I ended up throwing out large plastic bags full of boxes for my die cast cars? Was that a mistake? Most of them were worth less than $10 each but I did have a few gems and have acquired a few more. Should I start to keep them again?
What do you think?