I live in the North East (New York) and I run trains all year round. The club has it's open houses in the winter and club nights are sometimes interrupted in the winter due to weather. In the summer the layout is for the club only and is accessible. this is also the season when we work on the layout updating the layout and doing maintenance. We always have something different for our recurring guests to see at the winter open houses.
I try to when I am home. Summer is usually our busiest touring time, so down time to run trains is always a welcome respite.
Yes because when its hotter than Hades out side its always about 65 degrees at the layout
I run them, but not as much. All construction stops though. Need that time to work on my giant scale planes and electric helicopters. Inevitably it gets cold and the planes get stored under the tables; then it is train time again!
all summer every day no exceptions
I operate at any time of the year
Bob C.
Not everyone lives near Canada. In fact, most of us don't.
I run mine more in summer than winter. Summer here can be a bear - unless you're at the beach or some other wet place, it (summer) can best be left outside, at least half the time. I am sure that A/C must have a patron saint (Saint Carrier?).
Matt Makens posted:Yes because when its hotter than Hades out side its always about 65 degrees at the layout
I agree Matt. It's most comfortable in the train room when it's 90F outside and 65F in the train room. Granted upstairs on the main living area, there is central air. But A/c is not really called for in the lower level.
Also working on the layout is comfortable as well.
I run my trains all rear long. My train layout is in the garage and I actually run them more in the summer. It can get pretty cold in an unheated garage in the winter. If it's a hot summer day I just open the garage door or windows to cool it off.
No, not very much .
BUT!! It's getting ready to change!
At York I picked up a few G gauge cars from Charles Ro and some knowledge.
I'm hard charging the planning work on a Garden layout. Not a very big one but it should be a lot of fun in the summer months to play outside .
I just came back today from a local Hobby shop in Bristol that has a BUNCH OF LBG stuff.
I spent way to many years in South Florida to stay inside in the Summer.
I like outside!!!!!
It should be fun project for a old guy.
Will have fun Outside
Year round. It's either too hot, too cold, too windy or raining here. In a good year we might have one nice day in the spring and one in the fall. The basement is conditioned year round, always nice there, as others have said.
Now that the warm weather is upon us, it's back to the garden railway. My indoor layout is more of a winter thing. It maintains my train fix in those dreary months.
Yes, year-round. The train room is headed and cooled.
Here in the Pacific NW, the summers are cherished as we like to joke that they last from July 5th to mid-September. It rains solid the rest of the time.
So many layouts don't have as many op sessions as they do in the winter months.
But yeah, I run trains when I want to. And if the weather is good (or it's a work day), that means at night. No issues with the temps as my layout is in a bedroom of the house, so it's as comfortable there as any other room in the house. We have a heat pump, so we have heat and AC (many houses here don't have AC at all as while it can get pretty hot here, it doesn't happen very often).
I run my trains each and every day of the year excepting vacation time or when I am distracted.
I think living in the northeast makes the spring time more valuable. So there are times when the layout sits, especially in the spring on good days. As the summer comes on full and things are caught up, the layout comes back in the cycle.
I have a strong commitment to G scale so I look forward to running that outside. If I only ran O, I believe I would have built some trackage outside for it.
I run trains year round. In the summer I avoid most of the town because of the tourist so I'm at home 70% of the time. I work part time at a restaurant so I can't run trains at the club on weekends like I do in the off season, but I can run them on my layout before I go to work.
I live in SE Pennsylvania but I like running trains every day in summer, Winter, spring and fall.
I hate the summer heat so I stay inside and run trains in my AC space.
I'm an all season model railroader
Mine run all 12 months. Work pressure is sporadic, so there will be periods of no trains, and then more trains later. I have an indoor layout and a garage layout.
I'm in south Carolina and until this last moved I had a layout and ran them all year long. once a few things are taken care of I will be converting my Garage in to a room for the trains the Garage door will disappear and a wall will go up there. AC/Heat will be added and it will get insulated as I build the walls all the way around it Will do the attic area also ( insulation) I have a electrician friend I think I can get I just have to get him out here lol. He lives about 60 miles away. I may have to go get him. I can do most of it but when it comes to breaker box and hooking to the main I'll leave that to him.
Everyday in every way.
yup, the rainey days get me out of yard work, so I head downstairs. or when ever I get the chance.
Yep! You see, I would run them in the bathtub if I could.
The Submarine and Coast Guard boat always help with my urges to take a transformer with me .
(Hmmm maybe these low voltage can motors, and plastic trains can "turn me" after all. Are you listening Lionel?)
Since I have a carpet layout it is once a year around Christmas Time. However if I have guest from out of town or from overseas I will set up the layout and show it to them. Upgrades, repairs, and project are on going through the year.
Our club, River City 3 Railers, does a show in the late summer at the local Chesterfield County fairgrounds. Our layout is housed in a metal building behind the arcade rides, but the interesting point is it is always quite dusty. Because of the dust most of the members do not run their best items / a lot of Williams engines which are largely bullet proof. On the other hand, the event is an opportunity to run our larger (albeit, not at the max size) layout for the first time since the Christmas season, so for those in the club who do have completed layouts it is a good time.
All year! I just took the snow plow off my NS SD70ACe. It semed safe to do so. ;-) For the last few weeks, I'd set up a shunting puzzle layout, inspired by a recent poster. That was fun but it was time to RUN something in mindless circles, so I just restored my usual MTH double loop carpet layout. Your thread and the recent 70-degree weather here in Mass. is making me think it might be fun to set up the FastTrak on the deck this weekend. It's just lying around the sofa being an unprofitable RR line!
Tomlinson Run Railroad
LittleTommy posted:Summer here is hot and humid.
My cellar layout's ambient temperature is 70 degrees (with no AC ) and, with a dehumidifier, it has 50% humidity. I spend a lot of time running trains in the Summer.
LittleTommy has nailed it. Pennsylvania summers are sticky and unpleasant. I don't spend any less time on my hobbies in the summer than I do in the winter.
Good informative and interesting posts here. It seems that location, and climate has a lot to do with when the trains are run. Here in NJ there are just so many things and activities to do in summer that the trains take a back seat. They are run once a month. Perhaps being brought up in an area where trains were an item for the Christmas season has stuck with me. Living 1 hour from NYC, PHL, the Jersey Shore , the Poconos and able to enjoy the beach, seaside ( wife has a summer home in Cape May) mountains and all the activities outside that summer allows keeps us busy. Weekend getaways, a two week vacation, my classic car hobby range time, takes up much time too and I must not forget yard work outside our home. While the layout is always up, we just shift gears in the summer months always coming back to them in Oct.
Yes, I run and work on them year round. Much less in the summer, because it's my busy season with work, but, I don't put my hobby away.
Year around stress reliever.
Me too, year round. It's what I do to relax and take my mind to another place and time.
yes - just not as much...
Only if the AC is operating for my little 9x19 attic room
After spending the last 25 or so years on the Chesapeake Bay fishing from my boat I'm finally selling it and will be spending the hot summer days down in the air conditioned train room. I'm real happy about getting back into trains full time. This is something that's way over due. Besides a few on my meds don't play very well with the heat.
I came in from mowing and have two trains running as I work on some scenery
Run them all year long, although outside chores and the pool often beckons in the summer months!
Sure, summer is a great time to run the trains!