I have a set of MTH crossing signals with speaker but no gates that I have installed on my layout. I plan to use Z-Stuff Detectors to activate the signals. My question is can I use 2 detectors to activate this signal as I want my trains to run in either direction on this track? There was a suggestion I might be able but would probably have to use a switch to throw deciding which detector will be passed to activate the signal. I thought that all I had to do was wire each detector for power. and hook them both up to the signal and speaker and it would work. Don't want to burn up anything so need help in this problem. Thank you to any and all that come to my assistance.
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Usually you can. The MTH IR sensor has an internal relay as I recall, so you can hook the first one up and connect the corresponding wires of the second one to the identical wires from the first. Either sensor should trip the signals.
"En garde" ☺
can't use duel sensors, one of them tends to die
You could use an insulated rail to trigger the signal.
I agree with John, sometimes the old way is still the best and most reliable. Not to mention cheaper.
You could use an insulated rail to trigger the signal.
Some of us following this thread are two railers.
"Trust me... it's not a good idea..."
Which detectors? They say the 1070s can be daisy chained with separate IN/OUTs.
You could use an insulated rail to trigger the signal.
Some of us following this thread are two railers.
Ray, that would probably be a big problem for you!