Reproduction E-unit drums have been on the market for years. Even Lionel was buying drums from the guy who reproduced them.
The equipment to make them changed hands and sat idle for a while. Then the fellow who purchased the equipment started running them.
Someone also made reproduction drums in black plastic.
I don't know who is making the red ones either.
Which color drum to use? They came in more colors than green, black and red. During the modern era, they even came molded in clear plastic (avoid them, the clear plastic is brittle and the ends tend to break off).
In short, I wouldn't worry about the color.
The 1,000 dollar question: should you use original or reproduction drums? Depends on the cost. I see the red reproduction drums offered for $30/10. At what price can you purchase originals?
I only use original drums (light green) on my own equipment. I use reproductions on repairs.
Be aware, I have received a few reproduction drums with flash over the contacts, and I have received reproduction drums with the contact segments misaligned. Most have been fine. (These were older reproductions molded in white plastic).
I have some of the black reproductions, but I haven't used any yet. I want to check the dimensions first.
I have not had any of the red reproductions.