I've heard running a wire around the layout & tapping into it at building locations, also the use of Christmas tree lights. Thanks in advance.
ROZY 205
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quote:Originally posted by F&G RY:
As someone suggested I used Radio Shack bare copper wire around the layout. 2 seperate lines positive and common connected to a power source. Put in drops from the lights and attached with alligator clips. Very cheap and no problems in 12 years.
quote:Suitcase connectors are not a good idea. They are designed to cut thru the insulation on the wire, and make contact with the conductor. However they tend to cut some of the strands or cut deeply into solid wire,reducing the amount of power the wire can can handle.
quote:Originally posted by rogerpete:
if you don't agree with someones post, you should simply say so. Calling someone a moron is just tasteless. Maybe the post could have been better worded, such as "I use bare wire in my low voltage DC".
None of us are experts in all fields, and we can all learn from others.
quote:Originally posted by og fan:
HEY,, DPC have a beer,, take a break,, chill out,, jeezz..
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