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I searched for "ps 2 engine losing settings" and " ps 2 low battery problems" here, with no luck, so here I am again.


I have a PA steamer #9915, PS2, that after I set the volumes with the DCS, the engine works fine. Shut it down, and it will start up with the same settings.


Come back the next day, and all is 100 again - full volume. I am thinking the loss of track power is an indicator that the battery is not good. Correct? I have had my PS1 engines apart for the 9V batts, never the PS2. I guess it could not be much different.


And I have no good source for the new style batts....or I do not think I do.


Am I correct about the loss of settings being the batt? Thanks, Greg

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You can check the state of the battery by doing a battery test.


Shut down the engine by turning off track power(not the shut down key).  That will serve as a battery test. The sounds should continue for several seconds, ideally through the entire shut down sequence. 


If the sounds cut out right away, it indicates the battery is bad or needs charging. You need a good battery to save any setting changes.  


I get my batteries(both styles) off E-Bay. 


Last edited by Mike Norberg
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