I'm still on a New York Central steam roll after assembling the Empire State Express (Lionel CCII ESE Hudson with K-Line 21" ESE cars) and having the 1948 20th Century Limited in the works (Lionel CCII Niagara with K-Line 21" lightning stripe cars). After all this I've just realized my K-Line scale 5343 J1e Hudson is sitting neglected in the display case. Hudson 5343 pulled the pre-1937 20th Century Limited when it was just Pullman green heavyweights, and can even be seen at various points in the following video (12:53 for instance):
So, as we've done twice before now, let's have a good informative discussion on which are the best choices on the market for pre-1937 20th Century Limited passenger cars. The only ones I can remember off the top of my head are the 18" set Lionel made in 2004 and re-released last year. Let's hear your input guys.