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I'm thinking of installing ERR AC Commander in my postwar Lionel 2350 EP-5.  Also adding ERR Railsounds.  My question is will I be able to operate the 2350 in the TMCC command mode via my DCS ?  I presently have runing Lionel TMCC engines via my DCS.  I"m also upgrading my TMCC interface to Legacy.  I presume I would have to remove the reversing unit, horn and battery holder from my postwar 2350.  Will the ERR AC Commander drive the postwar 2350 lamps ?  Thanks in advance !!

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I'm not sure I want to keep the old sound either but I was considering the option.  It's a childhood throwback.  I was thinking I could keep the DC horn relay and and feed it a DC supply instead of the battery ?  I'm  thinking the old horn is just a buzzing diaphram and maybe it doesn't work so well unless it has flat DC: hence the battery ?  In lieu of the old DC relay, I was considering one of those $2 low level input relay boards from China.  They can be triggered off the AC Commander I presume.

Last edited by shorling

If you leave out the Far East, you'll pay a lot more for the switching supply.   I have an assortment of them of all descriptions, I created this track powered supply from one of the small switchers.  It'll do an amp pretty easily at 9-10 volts, and can be set as low as a volt and a half.

Here's my assembled module on the left, the eBay switcher board on the right.  The switcher is mounted under my board, you can see the hole to access the voltage adjustment.  The top board has the bridge rectifier, choke for DCS compability, and filter caps.  The whole assembly is 1" x 3/4" x 5/8" tall.



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