Which ERR dealer has the above type of kits in stock?
Which ERR dealer has the above type of kits in stock?
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You can also just get the HC MiniCommander for the milk car, and the regular MiniCommander for the others. Then you just have to get the pickup roller for the trucks, wiring, etc.
This may help you find what you need easier.
I have the kit for the milk car, but I have yet to install it.
I would like to have a kit for the single bin dump car, but I guess it is too late since things are changing at ERR.
Thanks for the reply.
Only the milk car required the high current mini commander. I believe the other cars can just use the regular mini commander (acc version). You then need to purchase the replacement truck plate which has a pickup roller. This assumes the car you are upgrading has both trucks with slide shoes. The truck plate is part number 481-10. Almost any parts dealer will have that part. I got the part number from Ken at ERR. I believe Hennings trains has the mini commander acc in stock as well as the truck plate. Very few cars required the high current version of the mini commander. I'm sure other forum members can confirm this. Give us the product number of the car you want to upgrade so we can let you know.
They are a good value. I have my MTH milk car, 2 signalman box cars and 1 signalman caboose all using those kits. I also have an SMR engine converted to command using the ERR kit.
FWIW, the difference between the HC and regular kits was just a more robust triac, and the pads are the same on the PCB.
Thanks everyone for their replies. I will place an order with 3rd Rail to get thos project moving forward.
Uhh... there is no more Mini Commander kits, at least at the present. 3rd Rail is only selling a limited amount of the ERR line right now, that includes the Cruise Commander, AC and DC Commander, and the RailSounds Commanders. We live in hope that they'll produce some of the other stuff at some point in the future.
I am back, I just ordered the Commander kits, thank you all.
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