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Love this little switcher, (Lionel 2022011 Granite Run Quarry LionChief+2.0 0-6-0T), but after a speed setting on my Cab 2 of 8, the chuffing is no longer rhythmic, and doesn't come close to imitating  a steady supply of steam, but seems to be more like white noise cutting in and out.

I only had it for 2 days, and am thinking about sending it back for an RMA exchange, unless there's an easy fix?

Or, am I  expecting too much from that tiny speaker? I even purposely lowered the volume, hoping that maybe the speaker was being overloaded. Anything under a speed setting of 8 at least sounds like steady chuffing. I've applied the necessary drops of Labelle oil to the axles, even cleaned the wheels with ISO.  The tires appear to be fine, but I do have my own extras if need be.

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Here is a long thread (seven pages) on these switchers from last year after some of us received our locos. Lots of information and I'm pretty sure you might be able to find a discussion on the chuff issues, as well as other operational questions.

FWIW, I've had no issues with mine after a year of running.

Any reviews of the 0-6-0 Dockside Switcher with LC+ 2.0? | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum (

The issue is twofold.  The audio file in this locomotive can't deal with fast chuff rates, it goes off in the weeds at a fairly low chuff rate.  The second problem is the small wheels and four chuffs/rev.  A number of us have done the simple mod of cutting two of the spokes off the hall effect trigger wheel to slow the chuff rate to two chuffs/rev.  This gives you twice the speed before the sound file goes off in the weeds.  Remember, the little 0-6-0T was really designed for low speed switching, so if you drop it to two chuffs/rev and run at slower speeds, it works out great.  If you want decent sounding chuffs at even faster speeds, cut three of the tour spokes off the hall effect trigger wheel and make it one chuff/rev.

The mod is quick, it took me about ten minutes apiece for each of mine.

LC+ 2.0 Docsider Chuff Modification

WOW! I'm learning so much on this forum, my brains are going to fall out!!

Thanks for posting that link to the "locomoty" is that a word? (cutting two of the spokes of the hall effect trigger wheel). Glad I came here. I was VERY close to requesting an RMA. Glad I didn't, because I too really like this little fella!

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