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I have received this error in the past when the Loader software can't find the TIU's serial port. Sometimes unplugging and reconnecting my USB to serial adapter will refresh the COM port and then I use the command "Options>Serial Port>Auto Search for TIU". Not sure if this will help in your case as you may have already tried this.

This error is not the same as not finding TIU.  It has TIU on Comm 4.  It is engine related.  I would make sure red to center rail and black to outside if your talking PS-2.  Does engine work fine otherwise?

Sometimes you just need to power down and start over.  Going slow between steps, especially after applying power to engine.  G

PS/3 are sometimes a little more tricky to get a good sound file load.  A couple of things to try.

  • Do the load on a piece of test track, not on your layout.
  • Power the TIU channel with DC, 14 to 18 volts.
  • Provide a 20-30 foot wire between the TIU and the test track.

That's the configuration that MTH used when I went to the ASC training, and it's how I load them here.

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