I am using an MTH Z4000 for power to my fixed channels on my MTH TIU. I will use both 20 volt outputs of the Z4000 to power my TIU track voltage. Since the Z4000 can deliver in excess of 10 amperes per output I have built a custom circuit breaker box which has a 10 ampere circuit breaker for each channel.
The circuit breaker box will be wired between the Z4000 and the TIU. The circuit breaker box also includes various lamps (LEDs) to indicate the condition of both channels.
Two green LEDS are wired across the inputs to the box. Another two red LEDs are wired across the outputs of the box.
In addition two large red LEDS are wired directly across the circuit breakers. These LEDs will be lighted in the event of a short.
Note 1: Each of the LEDs also have a small diode in series to rectify the AC.
Note 2: I also have separate circuit breakers installed on the TIU outputs for additional protection.
All these circuit breakers are in addition to any circuit breakers and fuses already installed in the MTH equipment.