Hi Paul,
Fastrack is easy to work with.
* Sound/noise - there have been many discussions on this board. Just lay down carpet or felt beneath the Fastrack and you will be fine.
* Any track section can be a power feed section - a very nice feature.
* I like to use wider-diameter sections going into my curves as easements.
* I like to use HO and N cork roadbed beneath my track - this helps with noise, but also give just the right amount of superelevation. N roadbed half on the inside of the curve, HO roadbed half on the outside of the curve. Straight-tangent track I run HO cork halfs along each edge of the fastrack. I then paint or cover the cork roadbed with grass or scenery or the Woodland Scenic grass mats. Really looks great. [If you run the HO and N cork roadbed halves beneath the Fastrack, you no longer need the carpet or felt for sound.]
Have fun - Ken