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Is there a modification that I need to make to the operating rails of the fastrack operating track so that it will be compatible with older operating cars? It appears that electrically the Fastrack and old operating track are the same. I am assuming that the problem must be from poor contact between the shoe and the rail. Any assistance is appreciated.



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So far I have a Milk Car, the Log Car, the Hot Box Reefer Car and the Barrel Car that all run with TMCC.  I use the ERR Mini Commander ACC for them.  The Milk Car has a special version with a high current triac for the large solenoid.  It's great to be able to trigger them anywhere on the layout.


If you check the ERR pages, they have a number of kits tailored for specific cars, and instructions for each.


I tried John's recommendation to widen the shoes. I did this on two PW dump cars and had great success. Then I looked at the rest of the dump cars and log cars and discovered that they have a multitude of problems ranging from disconnected wires to worn down copper pickups. I have ordered a lot of replacement shoes and will have another project going forward. BTW. I like projects.

Thanks for the help.



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