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We are happy to provide a FREE download of the December issue of O Gauge Railroading Magazine available for anyone that would like to enjoy our great December 2017 run 295 issue!  To enjoy this Holiday gift from OGR to you, CLICK HERE!

We hope you enjoy the digital copy of the magazine and if you are not a subscriber, please consider becoming one!!  If you are already a subscriber then we thank you so much for your support!!

Thanks to Everyone!


Last edited by Rich Melvin
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I am a paper magazine person. I gave up on one magazine that was only digital. But I downloaded this issue as a test.  I did find something very interesting when I did. After more laser eye surgery's than I care to admit to (it saved my vision) I do have issues with printed word the size in OGR. This has made it very hard to read the paper magazine....and frustrating.  Downloading it and enlarging it on my big computer screen makes it easy to read!!!   Maybe others could benefit as I do.....but like me are old headstrong guys that don't like change. I'll need to look at getting the digital added or maybe going digital only. Thanks guys! 

Patrick Jean's layout was very well done and it is good to see that others use the "Drop Leaf" Concept. 

I first saw it in an article by Lawrence Patch in the May, 1978 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman  and my last three layouts have all been done using a drop leaf.  It allows those of us with little room to still enjoy continuous operation and I'll probably build my 3-rail layout the same way.

Thanks for an enjoyable issue!


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