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I am not real familiar with Gargraves. I don't think the Gargraves flex track would be suitable for a temp layout, but the sectional probably would be.


I use Atlas track and before making a more permanent layout last year I used it for temp layouts for about 2-3 years. The rail joiners may loosen up after repeated use, but you can tighten them with pliers. May have to push the joints together once in a while as well, after repeated use, but it stays together fairly well. May not be quite as good as Fastrack for temp layouts, but quite adequate.


I had it on a make shift table with a bunch of plywood layers that were kind of tilted and quite uneven. On carpet or a flat level surface I think it would work much better, but have never tried it on either one. My temp layouts were pretty cobbled together, Rube Goldberg would have been pleased with them.

Originally Posted by Bagelman:
... Is the gar grave and atlas track meant for permanent layouts or can it be use on temporary?

I suppose anything is possible.  However, when I think of either of these track systems, I'm inclined to think "permanent" layout -- for electrical continuity reasons.  If you're goal is to build a "carpet central" layout -- or even a constantly changing layout on a plywood surface, then stick with a track system with a built-in roadbed like Fastrack.



Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer

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