If you have a very large layout, it is very important to remove the black on the center rail to obtain perfect DCS signal. This can be confirmed by contacting Michael Hart of SMARTT or Rich Roman.
While you are without a doubt one of my closet and best friends, and Cora and I are both looking forward to spending time with you and Dotty next week, I have to disagree on your points above.
As you know, my layout is entirely Gargraves track, and Ross and Gargraves turnouts. It's entirely Phantom (black center) rail and I have never removed any blackening from any of the center rails.
I have, however, cleaned off the oily protective coating on the rails whenever I lay new track. That pesky coating makes a mess of engine wheels and pickup rollers, as well as trashing DCS siganl strength. My DCS signal strength is 10's and there's no residue on engine wheels or pickup rollers.
The size of the layout doesn't really matter much at all, since the maximum size of a TIU channel's "length" (total feet of trackage) and number of blocks is fixed at a maximum number of feet and maximum number of blocks. Large DCS layouts look the same way to a TIU channel as does a smaller layout. Each channel, which has its own signal generator, only sees its own blocks.
There's a maximum number of blocks (typically 18 or so per TIU channel with a Rev. L TIU, less for previous models) and a maximum number of feet per block, which can be as large as 11 track joins of 3 foot track sections each, times the number of blocks. This yields approx. 500-600 feet track per channel. Bigger layouts use more IU channels. As we both know, 5 TIUs is not the maximum that may be utilized.
These are the guys who build the big ones. I have worked with these guys.
These guys do what they do for reasons that are their own and I have great respect for them as master layout builders. However, the major factor in obtaining great DCS signal strength is wiring and, all false modesty aside, I know a thing or two in that department.
My layout may not look as good as one that these guys, or you, can build (every time that I visit your layout I go home and throw rocks at mine!), however, I assure you that mine runs DCS as well, or better, than anything they, or anyone else, has built.
Also, connect the outside rails of Gargraves. Our hobby still has guys who brag about using outside control rails for signals. They think it is still the old days.
Again, my layout does, indeed, use outside rails for both signaling, and automatic non-derailing operation on over 100 switch tracks. While it does, from time-to-time, present a challenge or two to ensure good outside rail Common continuity, my signal strength is 10's and operations are just fine.
I do things to make my layout run at its best, just like I did "in the old days", before DCS.
I am the senior MTH beta tester and have had DCS on my layout a very long time before it was released to the public.
Absolutely correct! I only became a beta tester in 2003 or so. However, from a "credentials" perspective, I'm not exactly a DCS "newbie", either.
Any layout done the right way will have perfect signal.
On this we can most certainly agree!