I returned from York to find that the Duplex Sleeper I ordered had arrived. I ordered this car to add to my K-Line 21" fleet because of its unique two level design. Here are some pictures:
I got out one of my K-Line cars for comparison, and I got a few surprises. The K-Line car is slightly longer and definitely wider. The first picture compares the length of the cars. The K-Line is in the rear and it is just a bit longer than the GGD car.
The next picture shows the K-Line car, on the right, is much wider than the GGD car. Maybe they are modeling different prototype cars?
Finally, here if a side shot with both cars. The K-Line is on top. The windows on the K-Line are a lot larger. In my opinion, the trucks of the GGD are much better than the K-Line's.
Both cars are great. The paint is very close, so the GGD will fit right in.