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I returned from York to find that the Duplex Sleeper I ordered had arrived.  I ordered this car to add to my K-Line 21" fleet because of its unique two level design.  Here are some pictures:







I got out one of my K-Line cars for comparison, and I got a few surprises.  The K-Line car is slightly longer and definitely wider.  The first picture compares the length of the cars.  The K-Line is in the rear and it is just a bit longer than the GGD car.





The next picture shows the K-Line car, on the right, is much wider than the GGD car.  Maybe they are modeling different prototype cars?




Finally, here if a side shot with both cars. The K-Line is on top. The windows on the K-Line are a lot larger.  In my opinion, the trucks of the GGD are much better than the K-Line's.





Both cars are great.  The paint is very close, so the GGD will fit right in.




Images (6)
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Last edited by CAPPilot
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I love the K-Line 21" cars.  The two PRR cars I have appear to be brown, rather than Tuscan.  Some day I shall shoot them with Scale Coat Tuscan.  My cars are 2 9/16" wide, or a scale 10'3", which is about right for modern passenger cars.  K- Line used one extrusion for all smooth side passenger cars, and made no attempt to duplicate the cross-section of a specific railroad.


Except for color, mine fit in quite well with smooth side Kasiner and CRC cars.



Last edited by bob2

The Pullman-built 12-4 is 10 feet wide, so the K-Line car is over-wide. I haven't measured my GGD 12-4 (packed away).

Unless you're modeling 1949 there will be color variations in Tuscan, and a shift toward a brownish hue could occur. Don't repaint your car, Bob 2. Enjoy it as it is.

GGD passenger cars have been criticized before for not being free rolling. First thing you should do is check the pick-up rollers.

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