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Originally Posted by POTRZBE:

Yes, kids, you read that right.  After a 6 year absence, Greenberg Shows is returning to the Equestrian Center in Upper (not lower) Marlboro, MD.  March 2 and 3, 2013.  Mark yer calendars, those of ye in the DC metro area.

I used to participate with the Trackers. The show, IMO, went downhill. The Equestrian Center, is, putting it in friendly terms, a nightmare to navigate. Most of the show is on the arena floor, with no indications on how to get down there with some stuff around the upper level and all stairs through the seating area closed. Once you find the way to the floor, it is a narrow, single-file, flimsy stairway downstairs to what is mostly toys, dolls, and N & HO trains. 


For exhibitors, people must drive their vehicles one at a time into the building...not doing THAT anymore!


Like today's Greenberg Shows in the DC area, it is not worth the time and $$$ to go. 

SJC, I was psyched cuz it is a kid friendly show with several layouts of all sizes and plenty of room to take a break and have an overpriced Pepsi.  I had no idea of the logistics of being an exhibitor but as a customer, me and my son would spend the entire day there and had a great time.  Over time there were fewer doll houses and more train and hobby things.  Doll house miniatures have found a place on our layout.  The main thing is that it is real close to our home unlike Timonium.

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