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I have a K-line PRR MP-15 Switcher #223202.  A piece of one  knuckle has broken away and I need to find a replacement part.  I have tried searching for parts for this loco but I must be doing something wrong as I can't find anything.  Below is a photo of the loco and a photo of the broken knuckle.   I think the piece broke off because of zinc rot because it just broke off in my hands (no hits or accidents).

I would greatly appreciate any help on finding a replacement.  I wonder if I should replace both couplers if it indeed is zinc rot.


Thank you,



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These were pretty good locos for their era, and popular, but not considered collectible in general, so parts can be hard to find. I have one (that I modified - another story).

1 - Brasseur's has many K-line parts - they have a website.

2 - Replace the entire coupler assembly; you may find a junker or a cheapie (buy it) or a K-line "parts grab bag" on eBay.

3 - I believe that the K-line coupler design was a copy/inspired by the Lionel coupler design on their lower-end RS-3 Alcos and the like; a Lionel coupler assembly may drop in, more-or-less. Heck, the whole K-line truck looks like a Lionel from the same era.

4 - Go to Lionel's website and look at the parts for their RS-3 Alcos (browse around in general, actually, for other similar locos and parts). If the coupler assembly for the Lionel item(s) visually matches (closely enough) the K-line assembly, buy a couple.

You may have to do some fiddling, but that's the life of the model RR'er.

Ed, it couldn't be zinc rot as those couplers are plastic. Also be forewarned, that although some of these parts between Lionel and K-Line look similar, they are NOT identical and will require some modifying to work. For example, the K-Line and Lionel knuckle part from the coupler look to be the same, but the hole the rivet goes through are different diameters. So you can use a Lionel knuckle in the K-Line coupler, but you will have to use the Lionel rivet: The K-Line rivet is a different diameter.

If you take the coupler plunger arm from Lionel and K-Line and try to switch them, it isn't done without some modification, even though on first glance, the parts appear identical.

Same goes for many other parts. The motor assemblies on the K-Line MP-15 look very similar to the Lionel type. But the motors used by K-Line and Lionel have differing numbers of teeth on the gear directly off the motor.

Brasseur's bought the entire inventory of K-Line parts back when K-Line folded. Some of those parts are now gone forever. They still have listed the coupler arm (minus the knuckle) for the MP-15 and the coupler plunger arm in stock... K2200-22, K2200-23


Not trying to discourage you Ed. Just trying to warn you that switching parts between manufacturers is not always as simple as it looks. As D500 said, you will have to do some tinkering (drilling, filing, grinding, etc.) to make these Lionel parts fit on to the K-Line unit.


If you like these K-Line types of engines as much as I do (MP-15, Alco FA, S-2) it'd be a good idea to buy extra units to cob for parts, as many parts are already gone from Brasseur's and the rest won't last forever.

Last edited by brianel_k-lineguy


Good idea.   I actually picked up some $3 junker gondolas with good trucks/couplers a few years ago.  My thinking was the trucks/couplers might come in handy one day.  Too bad I forgot all about them until I read your post.    I  will have to dig them out and see if I can't make one of those couplers work.  



I had my parts box out to fix some other K-Lines, so I took a picture of the parts with their numbers. I have my MP-15 in the picture so you can see the coupler assy with the new parts installed. Getting the spring in there is a pain, but is well worth the effort. I have several older items with the plastic knuckle with built in spring and I replace them with metal parts when they fail.



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