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I have a listing from May 2017 that I want to advertise a price reduction. Under "manage the topic" I updated the price and re-posted. The change to the topic was applied but the post wasn't brought forward. Is this not allowed? I read the updated sell rules and it appears this can be done, then the original ad needs to be deleted. My questions are:

1) When posting a price reduction, can the ad be brought forward.

2) Does the ad need to be redone including uploading all the pictures or is there a way to copy over to the updated ad?

3) How is the original ad deleted?

Currently my ad shows the price reduction in the topic but is all the way back with the May 2017 listings.


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There is a way to re-post an item with a price reduction as a new post and still keep all your original work of posting the pictures intact.

  1. Click to edit your ORIGINAL POST.
  2. When the edit window opens, click on the little <> icon at the right end of the tool bar.
    This opens the Source Code window.
  3. Copy EVERYTHING in the Source Code window to the clipboard.
    You do that by pressing <CNTRL-A> to highlight everything, then pressing <CNTRL-C> to copy it to the clipboard.
  4. Start a new post.
  5. When the "Create Topic" window appears, once again click on the <> icon at the right.
  6. Place your cursor in the window and press <CNTRL-V> to paste the previously copied code from your old post into this new one.
  7. Click OK. You will now see everything on screen the way you are used to seeing it.
  8. Make the appropriate changes in the prices and post the new thread.
  9. Go back and delete your original post.
  10. DONE.

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