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I stumbled across this little guy on the bay. He is supposedly a remote control for some kids set.

He has a 9V battery in the body, yes it is charged.

The Lionel on the hat is a button and the hat turns 1/4 turn to the right and left. There is a bulb under the visor.

I thought that I might adapt it to blow a whistle or control an accessory .

Does anyone know what's under the hat before I take the screws out of his head?



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That is the remote control for a children's product Lionel made in the mid-1990s:

And that's not a bulb sticking out of the hat brim, but is rather an IR transmitter to control the train.

Unless you're able to completely re-engineer (no pun intended) the IR system it used, you can't use it to control anything in the O Gauge world.


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