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I purchased this locomotive about a year after the first generation came out. It ran for about a year and then all of a sudden, splat. It stopped without warning and has never run since. The photos show the mainboard in the engine. Also, one thought I had was to take a new locomotive and switch shells. If any of you would like to sell yours contact me here. Hope you can help me with this problem. dGHVGLy0QiibFwXArvgLOgkZN+23b+R8KbjxD+98%B9wLAgTsVFITUmS5i4jjVRlTw 


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  • dGHVGLy0QiibFwXArvgLOg
  • kZN+23b+R8KbjxD+98%B9w
  • LAgTsVFITUmS5i4jjVRlTw
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Adriatic posted:

Splat isn't enough info to guess with....

Does it light up? If not check that power reaches the board. If it lights, it might just be the motor.

Consider unplugging the motor and testing the motor with a DC power source jumped to the motor to ensure the board is the real issue.

Sorry, every time I put power to the track nothing happens. The lights do not come on and the beeping noise does not come on. I disconnected all of the wires from the board and everything looked fine.  

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