Originally Posted by Bob Delbridge:
You could also get one of those new electronic cigarettes and prop it in the smoke stack...or just turn the smoke off
As I mentioned before, the main ingredients in a quality smoke fluid are the same as those in E-Cigs. Vegetable glycerin makes the "smoke" (actually a vapor) and propylene glycol carries the scent/flavor. A quick search of the internet shows pure glycerin to have a flash point of about 320 Deg F, and PG to have no practical flash point. Quality smoke fluid WILL NOT IGNITE in your engine. The wadding and plastic, however, WILL if you run it dry.
Seems after doing a little more research all the major brands are either using, or contain oils. a little worrisome, but I suppose it works out well enough. Obviously manufactures do't want to say exactly what's in their fluid, but I wouldn't mind hearing from anyone in the know on if there are only traces of mineral oil, or if that is the primary ingredient in lionel/mth/megasteam.