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There is one thing I like about this forum and that is.People here are willing to help you out and give good information.I have gotten some pretty helpful advise from this forum.I thought it was time to thank those people here.From some one who just starting out with a passed down train collection.Or some one who has been in the hobby for years.Or even some one with trains that only come out at christmas time.Looking to build a layouts to runs trains year round.This is the place to come to.I have been helped out a many times with the people here.In short I just wanted to thank you all so much.I have a hint I like to pass on.If you have scale steam locomotives from lionel or mth.Always be sure to add some smoke fluid to your locomotive just in case.Just to be sure the wick is not dried out.I operated my TMCC berkshire today.Put it on the track and was about to fire it up.When I thought just how long its been since I ran it.So I added some smoke fluid.Then waited a few minutes.It worked just fine.Though I would pass this along to you guys.You guys are the best.

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