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I have an old Premier SD-9 locomotive that is in need of some repair. I had it on the tracks, and the motor mount screw on the rear truck fell out. I attempted to screw it back in, but it fell out again. Best I can tell, I have the motor and the block lined up, its like the threading on the motor or the screw is stripped out. 

Anyone run into this before? Any ideas on what I need to do to fix it? 

Thanks in advance 



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nkp4me posted:

Sorry I'm really not mechanical - when you say "shear off", do you mean break off in the motor mount? 

I didn't write it, but think you've got it right.

The possibilities are #1 totally stripped treads (tap new threads & smile) #2 a shear leaving most ACTIVE threads left in the hole (poke, swirl to spin, swear, drill, swear, drill more, tap, smile), or #3 misalignment to the threads i.e., a "miss" of left, right, fore, aft, or depth.(say oops and smile big)

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