I’m trying to remove motor to make it dummy. But can’t figure out how. I tried to remove all screws from bottom of truck and motor still didn’t come out.
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You're unscrewing the wrong screws. The little ones hold in the axle retaining plate.
Unscrew the pickup rollers and the motor retaining screw is down in the well under the roller.
@Boilermaker1 posted:You're unscrewing the wrong screws. The little ones hold in the axle retaining plate.
Unscrew the pickup rollers and the motor retaining screw is down in the well under the roller.
Thank You for the help appreciate it. Any idea if I cut the 4 wires to the motor if the lights/sound will still work?
@Boilermaker1 posted:You're unscrewing the wrong screws. The little ones hold in the axle retaining plate.
Unscrew the pickup rollers and the motor retaining screw is down in the well under the roller.
Any advice, reached a dead end here
Isn't that a Philips head screw just above the end of the motor shaft in your photos? It's partially obscured by grease, but that should be the motor retaining screw.
@Diego posted:Thank You for the help appreciate it. Any idea if I cut the 4 wires to the motor if the lights/sound will still work?
Maybe you should start with the exact product number?
@M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
Thanks, appreciate it. I found the screw and succeeded in making my engine a dummy