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On my newly acquired used steamer (Lionel's 6-18093, #2908 Hudson), I encountered some erratic activity surrounding the functionality of certain features, like headlights getting out of sync with travel direction, self operating whistle blasts, the dread flickering headlights, the red triangular STOP button on my CAB-1 doing nothing, etc. So I decided to try a reset . The owner's manual on Lionel's website calls for a reset code of 43, but when I get to the point of entering those digits, I hit the 4 button, and get a whistle blast. Then I hit the 3 button and get another whistle blast. Seems like I should only get a blast after entering the 2nd digit, is that right? Trying to run it after the double blast produced some strange symptoms like a flashing headlight, audible clicking in the speaker that matched up with the flashing headlight. So I ended up just resetting to a #4, and things generally seem to be ok, except for the non-functional emergency stop button.

The 6-18093 set is touted as being Command Ready, but in fact the box it came in clearly states it is command equipped and it is. It also has Rail Sounds, not Signal Sounds. The R2LC board is a C08. So what am I doing wrong? Why two whistle blows when I think there should only be one?


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