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From page 101 of The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition page 101:

However, individual member engine settings may be changed after the lashup has been created and started up. This may be accomplished as follows: 

• After the lashup is started up, press the ENG key to view the Engine List 

• Highlight the member engine whose lashup settings are to be changed by either scrolling to it using the thumbwheel or entering its one or two digit DCS ID# using the number keys to highlight the engine. If it's not in the Active Engine List, highlight it and press the thumbwheel to place it in the Active Engine List, and then highlight it again 

• Press the thumbwheel to show the engine in the DCS Remote's Engine Control Screen, however, DO NOT START UP THE ENGINE! 

• Use DCS menu functions or engine soft keys to make whatever changes are desired to the lashup settings for the selected PS2 member engine. These settings will become active as you select them 

• Return to the Engine Control Screen and press ENG to display the Active Engine List 

• Highlight the lashup by either scrolling to it using the thumbwheel or entering its one or two digit DCS ID# using the number keys 

• Press the thumbwheel to show the lashup in the DCS Remote's Engine Control Screen.


If my recollection is correct, to turn on the EVO's charging lights use the LMK soft key.


This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s "The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book from MTH's web store site and select MTH dealers!
CLICK HERE go to MTH's web page for the book!
Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
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