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I HAVE EFFECTED CIRCUIT LEVEL REPAIR.  I repeat:  I.. Have...Effected...Circuit...Level...Repair!!!  


I've never been one to muck around with electronics, even though I used to tear apart super computers at one point - the parts were larger.   Today, my DCS remote stopped working while troubleshooting a completely unrelated issue.  The wheel stopped responding to scrolling, but the wheel-button still worked.  Odd...


So... I messed with it    Figuring I had nothing to lose at this point, I not-so-carefully pried open the remote to see what was up inside.   Once opened up, I started pealing things away/apart until I found what must have been the culprit - a small green wire have detached from the tiny PCB connected to the thumbwheel.   The old Eric would have given up right there, but the newly irritated Eric decided to involve tools and fire (OK, heat...).  I stripped the wire so I had something to work with (it had detached clean/flush) and then broke out the smallest soldering iron I had (which I had previously only used to strip tiny wire) I managed to find some electronics solder I think I bought back in my N-scale days for DCC decoder installation and fired up the iron.  I took a steady hand but I got it to connect.  I then carefully reassembled the remote and... VIOLA!!!!   It actually worked.  I mean it actually WORKED   In case anyone else tries this themselves, be aware that the trickiest part was removing the RF module so I could get the wheel and board out of the case to work on it - otherwise it would have been way too tight.  The RF board connects via to socket connecters, which are easy, but it is also connected by foam tape to the main PCB.  My computer skills helped here, as I had seen this arrangement before and with some patience I was able to peel it away.  


This is a big deal for me, like learning to ride a bike.  I know there are LOTS of people here who do this kind of stuff EVERY day without thinking twice about it, but I actually repaired an electronic device without just changing the batteries 


As an added bonus, I noticed that the wheel was a little sticky, so I searched some old threads and found a good article pertaining to how the wheel works and using contact cleaner to clean/loosen it up.  Again, success!


I'm still buying a second DCS remote - next time the damage may be beyond my meager talents, but still...  I feel like I've earned a beer today!!!



Last edited by thestumper
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   Congrats on a fine job, hay I had Willy Gee (Bill Ingraham) replace my remote Wheel that GGG was nice enough to send him, he upgraded my 2 DCS hand held remote controls to fully rechargeable units, you might want to give that a try some time, cause it really makes the DCS hand held remote controls seriously nice, and the batteries stay charged 10 times as long.


It was actually fun and educational.  It's amazing what a guy will do when he figures he has noting to lose 


Option 1:  Leave it alone and buy a new remote


Option 2:  Tear it apart and destroy it.  Buy a new remote (see 'Option 1')


Option 3:  Tear it apart and actually fi it.  Buy a new remote as a backup.


Seeing as I was buying a new remote regardless of what happened...

Originally Posted by Bob Delbridge:

Good job


IMO, once you FINALLY got the handheld open, you completed the hardest part.  I have yet to open mine, but I'll need to soon to clean the thumbwheel.


Wish me luck

Hold it upside down and use a q-tip lightly wet with cleaner! Dry as you go.


Opened one up that couldn't read the TIU any more after having company over to run. The board had came loose inside the remote and Barry's book save us again at 1AM.

Last edited by Lima
Originally Posted by Bob Delbridge:

Good job


IMO, once you FINALLY got the handheld open, you completed the hardest part.  I have yet to open mine, but I'll need to soon to clean the thumbwheel.


Wish me luck

No...  soldering that tiny wire was definitely the hardest part   Removing what I believe to be the RF board was also tedious.  Heck, I can get ANYTHING apart... if "back together" is a requirement.... that's different...

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