I love sound 9 in the extra menu that you get to by pushing more and moving to sound 9. I get the arrow point to sound 9 and then push the thumb wheel. Then I get the options of scroll and select and they do not seem to do anything. I want to put that wound at the very beginning of the soft key selections that come up when the hand held is first turned on. This is as far as I can get as no sounds get moved with what I am doing. I had barrys first book but lost it some how in moving and need to get a new one. Order form please barry. Thanks in advance for a possible step by step at the point I get to, to get sound 9 at the beginning of the list for s1 soft key.
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“The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition" is available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!
I suggest you purchase the hard copy, Barry has been nice enough to let us copy the book for track side usage, and making notes in. My copied 3 ring note book, with all the technical building info, walked right out of the house, now can you image that.
Can't trust my wives liberal symphony people what so ever, it should be illegal for them to even own an O gauge train let alone a DCS unit.
Get a copy of the book! But for now, get to the more screen, find the event or sound you wish to move (in your case, snd 9) Now, using the S2 key (move), press it and then scroll snd 9 to the position you want. In your case, soft key (position 1) then, press the thumbwheel to complete.
What you didn't post was pressing S2 to start the move process. Maybe that's what you missed.