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I can't believe I retired eight years ago. I feel guilty not working on my railroad more. I thought I'd work on it day after day but no, there's way too much to do. Retirement is great, don't get me wrong. The great part? You can do anything you want. I worked on my layout more when I had a real job than now. Took up Scuba again  kayaking, fishing, gardening, working out, and just going down to the beach on Fridays and Saturday afternoons with friends and have a little wine and watch the sunset. This is an amazing place. I promise I will work harder on my railroad. Don

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I've only been retired since June 6.  It's been a whirlwind Summer!  It included two weddings, a graduation from college and a long trip from San Francisco to Boston.  That's not including working on my layout, photography, being a housewife and working out at the gym 5 days a week (more than I did when I worked).  I'm also in the process of re-financing my house and buying a new 4 x 4 Toyota Tacoma.  Next month I am hosting a monthly retiree luncheon that our department has every last Wednesday of the month. Busy, busy...but fun, fun!  Matt

I retired in 2005 and as others have said, i do not know where I found the time when I was working.


I have tons of projects, some in progress and some planned for future.  i would need to work 24 hours a day just to make headway.


But the very best part of retirement is being able to play hooky whenever you wish. 


I no longer feel quilty about


1. Not working a fulltime job. (That only took about a day)

2. Taking a nap whenever it moves me.

3. Watching everyone driving past me going to work.

4. No need to call in sick to get a day off.

5. Ising Social Security to help fund my train hobby.


And the list goes on ..........


i work for a large Car Dealership, Selling Ford, Lincoln, Ford Truck, and I represent HONDA AutOmobiles. I work Monday/ Tuesday-Friday-Saturday...This works well as it gives me 3 days a a week off. Because I work this schedule, our time off is valuable and we get a lot accomplished when we work on the railroad. This Layout has been under construction for 18 Years. We are blessed with great helpers, Electricians, Scenery Specialist,(Magiclans), and a fine wood working crew. "LEAPIN Larry's Looney Lines RR"

Come to TENNESSEE and See us....Happy Railroading. (The layout is not cluttered and there are new Trains coming and Going. Happy Railroading.

When I was working, I found I had to schedule all chores, my sons ball games, etc. The same stuff gets done now but it just gets spaced out over the entire week. Then there are the diversions. I'll get ready to mow the grass, head to the garage thru the living and Hey, Look!! Blues Brothers is on!! And the grass waits for another day...

"I managed to fall off a ladder whilst painting my barn.  Now I need a hip replacement.  Right now, I have mixed emotions about retirement"


Well the good news Bob in all of this is that hip replacement surgery is a piece of cake. I have two and they really are effective. Just plan on being fairly inactive for 8 weeks.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Seacoast:

Good for you guys I m a youngster at least another 10 years of work.

I'm in the same boat. I turn 54 Monday and have 25 years with the State of Florida. Five more years and I get to retire, but like leikec, I will never stop working: maybe a part-time job, railroading, gardening, honey-do's, two daughters and maybe their kids some day. I think I'd like to start a small business. That sounds like fun. 

We retrieved Tom from his last day at work Wednesday (official last day is 9/30, last four are personal leave he had to use or lose) and took him straight to the train store. We're going to try going to local festivals on weekdays when they're not insanely crowded, going to tourist places during the week...


Weiters don't retire, but we can work anywhere and any hours

I'm glad that everyone else has the same feelings about retirement.  I still can't understand how busy I seem to be now that I have retired.  It took me at least two years to enjoy retirement but I think that was because it wasn't my idea to retire.  My plan was always to work until I was 70 as I really enjoyed what I did.  But, I retired at 62 and had a hard time accepting it.  I do love it now though.



I was very fortunate to be able to retire at the tender age of 50.  I had a lot of people tell me that I would probably go nuts retiring so young.  Were they ever wrong.  The last 17 years have been some of the happiest of my life.  Every day has been like summer vacation.  When I was in the work force I used to say the job got in the way of my hobbies.  I have not had that problem for a long time now.  I have been able to enjoy all of my hobbies fully and till my heart has been content.  Hunting, fishing, hiking, cycling, trains, reading and writing have filled my days but the most fun I have experienced has been with my three Grandchildren.   I try to enjoy each day to the fullest and keep the pedal to the metal at all times because good health and retirement will not last forever. 

  I have been retired for six years and enjoy it. Somedays I don't do anything at all and don't do that until after lunch.

  FWIW a variety of hobbies seems to help, hunting or boating when weather is good but trains in poor weather.  Everybody needs some diversity.

   The trains were great when I was recovering from knee replacement surgury, but on a pleasant day outside I need more.

   My contempories who have retired with no hobbies have had real trouble, fortunatly I took my hobbies into retirement and still enjoy them, but am having mobility problems and can no longer hike, bike, or run.

  This has been a very interesting thread.


I retired in 2010, and it's been wonderful.  At first I wondered if we'd have to cut back on expenditures once I didn't have a full-time income any more, but when everything is taken together, we're now much better off financially than we were before.  As someone has already said, it's like a vacation, without having to count down the days till you return to work.


And I can actually finish my hobby projects, instead of having to put them aside, half-done, to return to the job.


I knew there was a reason I worked hard all my life.  And this is it.


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