It's interesting that the internal antenna doesn't seem to be tuned in any way, there should be room for improvement. Even the shorter 27mhz antenna I posted might be a huge improvement being designed to be a 27mhz antenna.
Dale Manquen posted:Roger, is that wire connected to the receiver antenna inside the Base, or is it hooked to the external thumbscrew?
the receiver antenna inside the Base
Update for this topic. Some months back a knowledgeable fellow was visiting my basement layout and saw that the communication between my cab-1 & command base was spotty around the layout. He opened the base and wrapped a 18 ga wire around the internal antenna loop, drilled a hole in the case cover and ran the wire out and hung it on a nail overhead of the control panel. He didn't strip or connet the wire to anything. No more issues; the trains can even be operated from the upstairs part of the house now.
Wow. Good solution.
tontee posted:Update for this topic. Some months back a knowledgeable fellow was visiting my basement layout and saw that the communication between my cab-1 & command base was spotty around the layout. He opened the base and wrapped a 18 ga wire around the internal antenna loop, drilled a hole in the case cover and ran the wire out and hung it on a nail overhead of the control panel. He didn't strip or connet the wire to anything. No more issues; the trains can even be operated from the upstairs part of the house now.
This WORKS. Mike Reagan showed me this trick way back in the day.......many years before LEGACY. Small note, my layout is 46 x 30 with an additional 17x13 in the other room. I ran this wire up on my black ceiling above the aisles and no problems at all over 100 feet long.
I do the same with my antenna. It works great.
For the simple wire trick, which terminal does the external wire get attached to?
I just attached the wire to the same post that feeds the track from the base unit. Eventually I want to wire to an omni directional antenna above the layout. I wish I knew how to boost the signal. Maybe John knows.
Some very good advice concerning the Antenna upgrade and thanks to all that gave their 2 cents...
Connecting the extra wire to the outside rail point on the base is not the best place. The place to connect it is inside the base and probably best wrapped around the antenna coil with a half dozen turns. I don’t know what it looks like inside, but the above schematic it should be possible to determine the antenna coil. As for being tuned, I think it’s best to just use the proximity connection of wrapping a few turns rather than a soldered connection.
Just once or twice around the antenna coil and tie it to itself. The wrap is parallel to the antenna coil wraps. If I get a chance, I'll open mine up & post a pix.
To All,
Thanks for the input!
Tom - If possible, a picture would be great, thanks!
Guys, it's nice to see that a number of you are finding this topic useful. I probably should have updated this closer to when I first posted the topic. I did do the antenna extension back in November 2016, following Roger's instructions.
Here are the pictures of the process. I think I remember what did.
First I opened up the base, and drilled a hole in the side of the case, to install a terminal. I picked an area where it wouldn't be in the way of anything.
The terminal is a bit on the crude side. I just cobbled it together from parts on hand.
This was the tricky part, removing the insulation without breaking the antenna wire.
I made a lead and attached it to the new terminal.
Then I soldered the other end of the lead to the bare spot on the antenna wire.
Time to put everything back together.
I then ran a wire into each aisle of the layout, and connected it to the base. I now know that the remote to base communication is solid. One less variable to worry about in my quest for smooth reliable operation.
Thank You Elliot!